Monday, November 27, 2006


Hello everyone,

Today is Monday, 27th of November 2006. We have entered into the second week of the school holidays. I went back to Ipoh for five days for a short break but am back in Sitiawan today. I have a busy schedule planned for this week. First I'll be tidying up the power point presentation about STESMA for the Form Five Registration. I need to transfer our school song into the slides and also to re-shoot some photographs of our school. Then I have to get Encik Daniel to help me to change my dissertation CD into PDF format to be sent to UPSI so that the CDs and hardbound copies of the dissertation can be kept in the University archives as well as EPRD in Putrajaya. I also have an appointment to see Encik Anuar, the officer at Manjung PKG. He's going to teach me some technical stuff about downloading and web design. Also as Resource Centre and Media teacher I have to plan, administer and promote the school resource centre. This is listed as duty number 8. In the works is a webpage for the school resource centre which is actually a subsidiary of the official school website. You see SMTSM is keeping up with higher institutions of learning by having such a type of online service. Of course, I'll be getting more news about STESMA for this blog. So stay tuned.

Miss Cheah

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