Friday, December 29, 2006








Here is a picture of a Form 5 classroom taken on Friday, 29 December 2006. Come next week on January 3, 2007, the room will be full of students who will start their new school term as Fifth Formers.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

I went with Cikgu Ishak Ismail to Cikgu Ismail Mokthar's house after the PTK examination was over. He had gone over to pick up some documents from our senior teacher for co-curricular activities.
The above pictures show the compound of his house. I did not ask to go in as I did not want to intrude on his family members who were having their lunch at that time so visitors to this blog have to be contented with what I managed to snap.
I was very happy to see my ex-colleague, Puan Norlina Idris who had come all the way from Malacca to sit for the two PTK papers in SM Seri Manjung. Puan Norlina taught in STESMA for about seven years before she was transferred to Sekolah Menengah Teknik Datu Md Zin Melaka because her husband who is an engineer has been relocated in the land of Hang Tuah. She says she misses the school and the teachers very much and given the chance would like to come back here to teach. Well! We miss her too and hopefully one day we will be able to have her back here.

PTK 2006

Today many of the teachers from STESMA went and sat for the PTK (Penilaian Tahap Kecekapan). Our centre was at Sekolah Menengah Seri Manjung which is our next door neighbour. There were two sessions. The first session at 9.00 a.m. was for the general paper and the second session at 11.00 a.m. was for the specialised papers.
The first picture of Puan Norlina and Puan Asiah was taken immediately after the first paper was over. The second picture shows three of the teachers, Ustazah Roslina, Puan Asiah and Puan Idayati having a chat while waiting for the second paper to begin. The last picture was taken before the second paper started. It shows Cikgu Rosli, Cikgu Shahidan and Cikgu Zainal Abidin Shah. This was the first time Cikgu Zainal sat for the two papers.

Besides putting up the signboard for the school, a signboard bearing the words, "Komuniti Berilmu, Perak Terbilang" was also put up. This replaces the previous signboard which carried the words, "Perak Gemilang" which was removed.

A new signboard for Sekolah Menengah Teknik Seri Manjung was put up yesterday at around 4.30 p.m. I was there to update the STESMA forever Bulletin Board when the workmen came and did the work. The pictures show the new signboard already put up and our senior assistant, Ustaz Lotpi giving last minute instructions to the foreman to make some adjustments to the board.

The English Language workbooks for 2007 have arrived. The above pictures show Encik Ahmad from Chew Books delivering the consignment of workbooks for English Language Forms 4 and 5. He also delivered workbooks for the other subjects as well.
At first he was rather surprised to find me snapping happily away while he was carting the books from the van to the storeroom. He had thought that I took the photographs as proof that the delivery was made. When I told him that it was for the blog, he commented that education nowadays has gone hi-tech. He even offered to buy the photographs that I took. However, I told him that he could download them from this weblog.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006


Cikgu Sulaimi and I are pictured here making the final adjustments for the power point presentation for the registration of the Form Five students next Tuesday. I will not be around as I have to attend a meeting in Ipoh and so Cikgu Sulaimi will be doing the presentation and Cikgu Sabri the technical work.

Cikgu Daniel's mum and younger brother, Faiz, came for a visit and he was entertaining them by bringing them around. When he stopped by at the office to pick up something, Puan Rasilah, Puan Asiah and I didn't want to miss the chance of being introduced to his family. So the three of us followed him to the car and were introduced to his mum and brother. I also managed to get a photograph of them in front of the school office. Doesn't his mum look slim and youthful? The brother is also very cute.

The application forms to enter a technical school in Malaysia can be obtained from our school office. Students who have sat for their PMR and who are interested to apply can get the forms for RM1.00 (in the form of money or postal orders) beginning from 5 November 2006. The closing date will be 10 days after the announcement of the PMR results.
Puan Asiah, our office peon, is holding up a copy of the green application form.


The above picture shows that the awning for the parking lots in front of the administrative office has been torn down. A new and better looking garage will be built to replace the old one which was beginning to show signs of wear and tear. Wow! I just can't wait to see how the school will eventually look like after all the renovation work has been done.


In the preparatory room of the Chemistry Lab were also two very adorable children. They had gone along with their dad, Encik Redhuan. He was busy preparing materials for the registration of the Fifth Formers on January 2.
Both children were very friendly and chatted away with me. They had also readily agreed to pose for me when I told them that I'd post their pictures in the Internet. Muhammad Raif ( 3 years old) is pictured sitting in front. His elder sister, Nur Aqilah (4 years) is sitting behind him. She was busy writing something when I entered the lab.


The picture shows the Chemistry lab assistant, Puan Roziah, busy cleaning the decorations for the lab. Earlier she had helped me to laminate the articles to put up in the STESMA forever Bulletin Board.


Three of the teachers' quarters have been repainted in shocking pink, maroon and saffron. The colours are vibrant and bright. It has been commented that the colours would be suitable for a Nursery school or Kindergarten. Well, a fresh coat of paint certainly makes the quarters of the principal, senior assistant and chief warden look very striking.


Earlier in the month, I snapped a photo of the unfinished door leading into the electronic teachers' room. Now I am publishing a picture of the new door. It looks nice, doesn't it?


I did not realise that our senior teacher for student affairs, Encik Wan Yusaini, bought a new car a couple of months back. He told me that he got it just before the Hari Raya holidays. I think I must have been busy with other things not to notice such a posh looking car. It is a Nissan Citra, licence plate AFW 1544.


I saw Cikgu Shabudin busy in his garden. He was tidying up the place and had planted a new palm tree. He sportingly posed for the above picture.

When I went to school today, I found that the paintwork for the MRTV workshop is almost complete save for some finishing touches here and there. It now looks so clean and bright. I can see that it is painted with different colours, pink and peach walls with maroon borders, yellow wooden window frames, yellow wooden doors and blue sliding doors.The teachers and the students at this workshop will most definitely be in a cheerful mood working and studying here when school reopens on January 3, 2007.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006


Very often I will have a student or even a teacher ask me for tips to improve their command of the English Language. Well, besides reading and listening to news and programmes in English, I would recommend singing. Not just any song. There are some singers who mumbles when they are singing and can barely be understood. Then there are some songs in which the lyrics are penned using language that is not grammatically correct. Let me give you an example of a song that I will be teaching my students to sing during my English language lesson next year. The language used is good and every syllable and every word sung by the singer can be heard and understood. The song is from Josh Groban's latest album, "Awake". Before I forget, for every original album sold in Malaysia part of the money will be donated to the National Cancer Council of Malaysia (MAKNA). Below are the lyrics.

You Are Loved (Don't Give Up)

Don't give up
It's just the weight of the world
When your heart's heavy
I...I will lift it for you
Don't give up
Because you want to be heard
If silence keeps you
I...I will break it for you
Everybody wants to be understood
Well I can hear you
Everybody wants to be loved
Don't give up
Because you are loved
Don't give up
It's just the hurt that you hide
When you're lost inside
I...I will be there to find you
Don't give up
Because you want to burn bright
If darkness blinds you
I...I will shine to guide you
Everybody wants to be understood
Well I can hear you
Everybody wants to be loved
Don't give up
Because you are loved
You are loved
Don't give up
It's just the weight of the world
Don't give up
Every one is to be heard
You are loved

I am sure quite a number of you would have heard the first song over the radio or seen the video clip on television. The singer has a very beautiful and powerful voice. I actually became a fan of his about five years ago when I first heard him sing on Ally McBeal. The singer of this inspiring song is only 25 years old. The song featured in the first video clip is titled, "You are loved (Don't give up)" and the second video clip features him singing "You raise me up". I am doing a post on him because I find that he is a good example for young people. Besides being blessed with heavenly vocals and a massive dose of talent, he has also set up a charitable foundation for the needy. Most of the songs that he sings are inspirational and carry strong messages. So ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you to Josh Groban.

Joshua Winslow Groban (born February 27, 1981) is an American singer known for his mature and versatile lyrical baritone voice. His musical style ranges from classical to pop. When singing a pop song, Josh Groban has been described by a music reviewer as possessing one of the most impressive, technically skilled voices in all of pop music. On an inspiring song like "You Are Loved (Don't Give Up)," there is a majesty that sweeps the listener up in pure emotion. No wonder he is called "The Voice".
Josh Groban burst on to the international music scene in 2001 with the release of his self-titled debut album featuring the hit single, "To Where You Are." His follow up CD "Closer" with the smash hit "You Raise Me Up" brought enormous success to the young singing sensation. He has made scores of television appearances beginning with Ally McBeal and continuing with countless performances on Oprah Winfrey, Good Morning America, The Today Show, two PBS specials, the Superbowl, the Oscars and the closing ceremonies of the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympics with an audience of over 2 billion people. His first PBS Special went on to become the No. 1 selling DVD of 2002. On the touring front, Groban started out his now legendary 40-city concert tour (which sold out in a record breaking 20 minutes) and then went straight forward to a two year arena tour across the US. A Josh Groban tour for 2007 is expected to be announced shortly.

Monday, December 25, 2006

Here is wishing a Merry Christmas to all Christian visitors to this blog. I would also like to extend seasonal greetings to Mr Nyana, Miss Ng Sze Yee and Miss Grace George, three teachers of STESMA who are celebrating the birthday of Jesus Christ today. Actually I watched a documentary on Discovery Channel which said that findings by researchers and archeologists show that Christ might be born on April 17 and not December 25. Well, if they are right then I'd share the same birthdate with him. Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas everyone.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

I would like to recommend a blog for everyone to visit. I found out about it from the newspaper last week. This blog is written by two outstanding Malaysians who are in Russia at the present moment. They are Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor and Captain Dr. Faiz Khaleed. Dr Sheikh Muszaphar is at present the main candidate to go to space in October next year while Dr Faiz is the back-up candidate.
The angkasawan weblog will allow the candidates to share their daily experiences with the rest of the world over the Internet. Visitors to the blog can also give their opinions and comments via the website. So do give the site a visit. The URL is
I am also including some information about the two men below.

Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor Al Masrie bin Sheikh Mustapha (born July 27, 1972) is expected to become the first Angkasawan (Malaysian astronaut) and the first Southeast Asian to go into space when he is launched towards the International Space Station aboard Soyuz TMA-11 in October 2007.
Born in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Sheikh Muszaphar obtained his high school education at Maktab Rendah Sains MARA in Muar. He then pursued his MBBS medical degree at Kasturba Medical College, Manipal.
Sheikh Muszaphar is an orthopaedic doctor and a trainee lecturer in medicine with Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Previously, he has served in Hospital Seremban (1998), Hospital Kuala Lumpur (1999) and Hospital Selayang (2000-2001).
He is also a model, and has modeled for many commercials and advertisements.
Faiz bin Khaleed (born September 15, 1980 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) is a Malaysian astronaut. He is a stomatologist. He is the back-up astronaut of Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor for the mission Soyuz TMA-11 in September 2007. He has been selected in September 2006 in the frame of the Angkasawan program. He will train at Star City with Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor during the next 12 months.


After almost a week of not logging on to STESMA forever, I was truly disappointed to find a visitor who goes by the name of sumbodi using a vulgar word in the chatterbox. If the person gives some criticisms that are constructive about the blog and some good suggestions, I would most welcome them but please do it in either a ladylike or gentlemanly manner. It reflects on the upbringing and the character of sumbodi. I would be most ashamed if he/she is a student of this school. So please refrain from using any rude language here. I can easily track the visitor using computer technological skills that I have acquired but I hope that this would not be repeated again. I would also like to add that I am writing this blog to provide information about Sekolah Menengah Teknik Seri Manjung and that would include the school, the teachers, the staff and students (past and present) and also information and news that are educational and informative in nature. At the same time I hope that I could encourage people to read materials in English and also to communicate using the language. If sumbodi finds the news and information about STESMA boring and uninteresting, that would mean that he/she is insulting STESMA. Please do not expect gossips or any sensational news here.
I would also like to thank the students who have taken it upon themselves to scold or chastise the rude visitor. Thank you very much.

Saturday, December 16, 2006


I would like to wish my dear friend and colleague, Miss Grace, a very happy birthday on the 20th of December. May all her wishes come true.

I read in the newspaper that mobile services provider centres here were packed to the brim with last-minute prepaid users making a mad dash to register their lines before the scheduled deadline, which ended at midnight yesterday. Those who failed to register had their lines barred from today. They cannot send SMSes, make outgoing calls or access the wireless Internet service, but they can receive incoming calls. If they still fail to register by Dec 30, their lines will be terminated. They will also lose their remaining credit, all loyalty rewards points and also their cell phone numbers. So have you registered your line yet?
Me? I do not have to worry as my line is post paid. Heh! Heh!

Friday, December 15, 2006

WGA 9792
The pictures above show a few people posing with Cikgu Ishak Ismail's Virago which has been repainted and re-accessorised for RM800.00. A couple of months before the school holidays, he had met with an accident and the back portion of his bike was badly damaged. He only managed to get the necessary work done on his Virago this week. When he came to school today to collect his mail from the office, Cikgu Wan Yusaini and I took the opportunity to get our photos taken with him and his big bike, licence plate WGA 9792. The good looking boy next to me in the last picture is Wan from Sekolah Menengah Seri Manjung. Later both Wan and Cikgu Ishak went to the mosque to perform the zohor prayers as today is Friday. I heard that he would be going back to Kajang to be with his son later.

Congratulations to Encik Sazali Musa and his wife on the birth of their new baby girl on 22 November 2006 at 1.05 p.m. The baby is named Nur Aisyah Syafiqah. This is Encik Sazali's third child. He and his wife, Puan Mar'azwa bt Yeop Zakari, have two elder children. They are Muhammad Mui'zzrdin (11 years) and Nur Haziqah (12 years). The picture above shows Encik Sazali and his son Mui'zzrdin.

I had mentioned in my interview with Puan Roziah, the Chemistry Lab assistant, that the two laboratories ar very neat, clean and nicely decorated. Students, teachers and staff of this school are well aware of this but I am publishing photos of one of the labs which I snapped today as proof to someone who has never visited the two Chemistry laboratories of Sekolah Menengah Teknik Seri Manjung. After seeing the photographic evidence, I am sure you'd agree with my opinion about it.