Thursday, December 21, 2006


After almost a week of not logging on to STESMA forever, I was truly disappointed to find a visitor who goes by the name of sumbodi using a vulgar word in the chatterbox. If the person gives some criticisms that are constructive about the blog and some good suggestions, I would most welcome them but please do it in either a ladylike or gentlemanly manner. It reflects on the upbringing and the character of sumbodi. I would be most ashamed if he/she is a student of this school. So please refrain from using any rude language here. I can easily track the visitor using computer technological skills that I have acquired but I hope that this would not be repeated again. I would also like to add that I am writing this blog to provide information about Sekolah Menengah Teknik Seri Manjung and that would include the school, the teachers, the staff and students (past and present) and also information and news that are educational and informative in nature. At the same time I hope that I could encourage people to read materials in English and also to communicate using the language. If sumbodi finds the news and information about STESMA boring and uninteresting, that would mean that he/she is insulting STESMA. Please do not expect gossips or any sensational news here.
I would also like to thank the students who have taken it upon themselves to scold or chastise the rude visitor. Thank you very much.

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