Monday, January 08, 2007

The picture above is a type of local fruit that is planted in the green house of our school. I saw Cikgu Shahidan looking at it this afternoon and went to take a closer look as well. Unfortunately, I have forgotten the name of the plant but I promise I will take pictures of it when the flowers turn into fruits and by then I will be able to put a name to the plant.
I am actually very enthusiastic about the herb garden and green house as I like to look at plants . At the same time I am interested in the medicinal uses of these plants. Last week, I saw our Ustaz Syed taking home a kaduk plant. He told me that he was planting it for medicinal purposes. Then today I saw Cikgu Hakim with a Misai Kucing plant. He told me that it was good for hypertension.
Actually, I have been discussing with Cikgu Shahidan on actively promoting our herb garden this year. We have very ambitious plans and hope that they can be carried out. What is needed now is funds. I am thinking of looking for sponsors from the corporate sectors to fund our project. So, if there are any financiers or businessmen reading this blog who would like to sponsor Sekolah Menengah Teknik Seri Manjung's Green Project, please contact me. My cellphone number is 012-5075851.

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