Monday, January 08, 2007

I did not have much time to go around and look for news about the school today as I was busy in the school library. I found that there are many books that need to be processed and also the stock needs to be checked. After this there will be this change to the automated system which means a lot of data needs to be keyed into the computer programme that was purchased last year.
Honestly, my experience of running a library is close to zero. I know it will be a big challenge for me but somehow my love for knowledge, my determination, support from colleagues and students and my faith in God will help me to do the work entrusted to me by the school administration.
Here I would like to set one thing straight about the terminology for this place. The definition for library is a room or building containing a collection of books, films, records, computer routines, etc. (for reading or for reference rather than for sale.) Likewise this would also apply to the Bahasa Melayu version which is "perpustakaan". On the other hand, resource centre or "pusat sumber" is a place or location where one can get a stock or supply of information. This could easily apply to any place in the school even in the toilets or the badminton courts. By looking at the library, a visitor will be informed about the habits of the users. Likewise, one can use a measuring tape to take the measurements of the badminton court which would provide data.
The two pictures above show Encik Abdul Manan reading the New Straits Times in the library. Yes! I was very pleased that Encik Manan read an English language newspaper. Hopefully, more teachers and students would follow his example.
Note also that the place looks neater and tidier as the workers came in to clean the place early in the morning. Being a stickler for cleanliness, I cleaned and tidied the place one more time after the makciks left. I washed all the silk flowers and plastic plants last Friday before I left for Ipoh at 4.00 p.m.

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