Tuesday, January 02, 2007

My, my, how time flies. I could remember celebrating the start of 2006 not long ago and now we have already bid farewell to the old year and witnessed the birth of a new one which is just two days old.
I was really frustrated the past few days of the old year as the Internet connection was either down or running very,very slow due to the earthquake in Southern Taiwan having damaged some undersea cables. The connection is slightly better today but still not up to mark.
So, let me write down my wishes for everyone this new year.
To all visitors of the STESMA forever blog
I wish for you to have love all around,
the whole year long,
I wish for your days to be filled
with laughter, kind words
and joyful occasions,
I wish for you to have
beautiful new things happen to you
each new day,
I wish for your every choice to
lead you to the most blessed way.
And I wish you strength for days
as difficult as they may seem.
For steady courage to go on,
and grace to fulfil your dreams.

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