The first activity that I went to cover was orienteering. The instructor that was invited is an expert in this particular area. He was explaining how to do readings using the compass when I reached the place.
So what on earth is orienteering? In orienteering you use a map and compass to find your way across unfamiliar terrain. In a typical event, the organizer places orange and white control markers at various land features found on your map. These markers act as checkpoints along the course. The object of the sport is to use the map and compass to locate the control markers and return to the finish. Using your imagination and navigational skills, you try to select the best route to each control. Once there, you punch a score card which verifies that you found the control. There are many versions of orienteering (on foot, bicycle, or skis; at night; in relays, and so forth), but the idea is essentially the same: the use of a map and compass to find your way across unfamiliar terrain. (Text courtesy of NEOC Times.)
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