Monday, June 26, 2006

Visitor from Diamond Bay

I was happily snapping photographs of the World Cup Exhibition at the canteen when I heard someone calling, "Teacher, teacher". The someone was Mohd. Hafizan bin Ahmad Khalid. Hafizan is a former student having sat for his SPM in 2003 . On this day, he had come to school to collect his SPM certificate.
When I asked him where he was from he told me Diamond Bay. When I looked puzzled, he set me straight by telling me that it was the English version for Teluk Intan.

This twenty year old is currently into his third semester at IKM Johor Baru and is studying Mechatronic (Mechanical Electronics). He tells me that when he completes his studies by the end of next year, he will be able to look for work as an engineer. There you go, another engineer in the making from STESMA. Yes!!!

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