Thursday, July 20, 2006


Here is the latest news for today.

* 12 of the teachers in our school are competiting in a bowling competition. They will be competiting against teachers from other schools in Perak. Two of the English language teachers are in the team. They are Puan Siti Kamariah and Encik Zainal Abidin Shah. Let's hope our team will be victorious.

* The scouts will be taking part in a marching competition in Kerian. The teacher accompanying them is Encik Ishak Ismail, one of the scout masters. The team left at 7.30 in the morning.

* As of 2.30 p.m. today, Puan Normah, the Malay language teacher has yet to give birth as she could still be seen clocking out at the office.

* Four of our teachers from the Electronic Unit will be sitting for their university examinations on Friday, 21st July. They are Puan Zamrudah, Encik Ghazali, Encik Merzuki and Encik Ishak. Here is wishing them good luck and success!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested