Thursday, July 06, 2006

Xie Xie...Kamsa Hamnida...Gracias...Merci...Danke...
Obrigado, Maraming Salamat, Efharisto, Sukria, Grazi, Takk, Spasido, Arigato, Terima Kasih.All these words mean thank you in other languages. I need to take time to thank each and every one of my friends, students, past and present, and colleagues for supporting my blog. Thank you for posting comments, visiting, emailing, texting and calling me. Please continue to visit and offer comments and suggestions to help me make this site more informative and interesting. I could do with some technical advice and support as well. If any of my former students who are IT specialists out there, please contactme to teach me more hi-tech stuff. Thank you also for all the compliments. Gomawoyo!!!
Yes, I would also like to thank Encik Ridaudin and Encik Zainal Abidin for the souvenir from Songkla.
I like the little mermaid statuette very much.

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