Thursday, May 28, 2009

One of the judges, Puan Pahlaila, asked me what made our resource centre unique. In my presentation, I mentioned that it was the esprit de corp and commitment of the resource centre teachers that made it special as without their efforts, the library and all the other places linked to it will remain some buildings or gardens. However, the two judges told me that most of the schools that they went to gave this answer and they wanted me to name another attraction. I did mention the STESMA forever blog but they said that other schools also have blogs and websites. It must be something that we have and others don't have.
Believe it or not! Puan Pahlaila said that the thing that attracted her most were the calabash gourds. The gourds in varying stages of being dried were what caught her eyes. According to her, no other schools had that. It might also be because of the gourds that we get to win the state level competition.
Hmmm ... if we manage to enter the national levels competition, we'd really highlight our ATTRACTION.

1 comment:

D'Rimba said...

Di mana ya untuk dapatkan buah itu yang bentuknya unik itu?