Thursday, December 14, 2006

I received an email from one of our former students, Firdaus of EK1, the class of '98/99 who is the webmaster of today asking me to verify the identity of someone who is registered as a member in his website and participates in the chat forums. The person claims to be Cikgu Rosli Ya and uses the email
Well, I checked Cikgu Rosli's email address in one of the older posts that I had written and it is really the one that Firdaus has mentioned. So, I think the person is really who he claims to be but I will confirm this when I go to school tomorrow. And Firdaus, since it is now the holiday season, Cikgu Rosli and his family might have gone to Kedah for a visit and hence you tracked the URL to a location in that state. As far as I know, Cikgu Rosli is Net savvy and he has even left messages in my chatterbox. Anyway, wait for my latest blog entry tomorrow after I had the chance to talk with him in school.
I do hope that Firdaus would send me details about himself plus photos for me to publish in STESMA forever.

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