Friday, July 14, 2006


Today is Friday, 14th July. It is the last day Miss Grace is teaching here. Beginning next week she will be starting her study leave. I will definitely miss her and I am sure many of the teachers and students will miss her too. Here is wishing that she will do fantastically well for her studies and be re-posted to this school when she gets her Masters degree. Of course, she has given her word that she will be coming regularly to visit and also to help out, especially in the forthcoming English Language Carnival.
The first picture is of Miss Grace and I. The second picture is of Mr Nyanasekaran, Miss Grace and I. Incidentally, Mr Nyana was on study leave for his Masters programme from 2004 - 2005 and was re-posted to this school when he completed his studies. It was a similar case with me. Will history repeat itself, and the third person in the picture comes back to this school after two years? Heh! Heh! I think most probably so.

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