Thursday, July 13, 2006


I am afraid that I get frightfully enthusiastic when carrying out projects. All of a sudden, I would get a brainwave and want to execute it. As the theme for the English Language Carnival is "Accessing the World through English", it was necessary to get the idea across that the English language is a tool for acquiring scientific, mathematical and technical knowledge. Having gone through the list of activities decided on, it struck me that there wasn't much planned for Mathematics. Then, I got the idea to collect lots of saga seeds (there are plenty of the seeds as we have a few trees in the school compound), put them in a container and get the students to guess the number of seeds in the container. Of course, I'd need help from one of the Mathematics teachers to work out the question. The students have to actually do some calculations. They are required to measure the height, length and width of the container as well as get the measurements for one saga seed. Then they have to work out the number from there. So the participants are not just making an uneducated guess.
So, I went back to school in the late afternoon to gather the seeds. Two of the boys who happened to be reading newspapers under the tree offered to help me. They were Hazarul from 5T3 and Zikri from 5T5. We spent about half an hour collecting the seeds. We did not collect just any seed. The boys and I made sure that we chose those that were in good condition.Thus the task was painstaking and tedious as we had to squat. I plan to get more seeds as our collection for the day is not enough even to fill one fifth of the large container I have in mind.

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